Abarna [Age 24] and Swetha [Age 20] are two sisters from a farming family in Puliyurkattusagai village, Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu, India. The rural background and lack of resources did not deter these young women from pursuing their passion in the creative field and today they are a self-taught Graphic Designer and Content Writer respectively. The sisters struggled with their entrepreneurial journey as they had only a cell phone to work with, yet they managed to freelance for many small businesses in their area. Empower Tamizhagam has been working closely with the community in rural Tamil Nadu. We found the two sisters’ journey compelling and well deserving of assistance. Thanks to our generous donor Ms Reena Chhabra, they now have a brand new laptop that can take their business to the next level. Support for college tuition fees was also provided. We wish the sisters all success. Onward and upward! In India, only 14% of women own or run a business. And in this age of Corona, there are even more opportunities for virtual remote businesses by women entrepreneurs. Any donations to Empower Tamizhagam which gets applied towards public policy and Govt/CSR engagement yields over 10 times the benefit. We deliver scale by unlocking the massive power of public funds, and leveraging the best ideas in the world. Come join us and be a part of such amazing life changing moments. #ngo #charity #nonprofit #ngoindia #change #chennai #India #volunteer #cuddalore #panruti #neyveli #ETIndia #ETImpact #empowertamizhagam #EBD #donation #charity #bethechange #womenentrepreneurship #womenempowerment #skyisthelimit